Ambient NPC Population

Ambient NPC Population, a continuation of an idea ...

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Leadwerks 3.2 Indie : Animated Character Workflow Test

Testing the animated character workflow from Mixamo's Fuse software to Leadwerks 3.2 Indie. The character was created in Fuse then a whole category of animations from a TrueBones animation pack were re-targeted in Ikinema before the character was finally imported into leadwerks. There were no adjustments or tweaking performed at any stage (although it will be done in future when required), this was simply a test of the pipeline. ...

Monday, 7 July 2014

Leadwerks 3.2 Indie : I hate waiting in for deliveries! [HD]

  I hate waiting in for deliveries, so it's essential to pass the time "playing". What did you do tod...

Friday, 4 July 2014

Leadwerks 3.2 Indie : Proof Of Concepts & Several Tests.

It's been a fair while since I updated my blog, I have just been busy. Although I am currently working with Unity 3D, I did purchase a copy of Leadwerks 3.1 Indie on Steam. Not really had much time to dabble with it other than to load it up when I first bought it. So I had a few hours and thought I'd have a tinker with it.  This is just a quick video of that few hours work prototyping. It also served as a test of Mixamo's Fuse that I got in the Steam summer sale at 80% off, a test of some textures, the model conversion workflow, a waterfall shader attempt and some Lua AI scripting. The main test was for using the Navmesh functionality and Basic AI scripting to utilise it. The AI female NPC model was created in Fuse rigged and animated via Mixamo. Basically just a few hours...

Friday, 10 August 2012

Leadwerks 2.5x + DarkBasic's Dark AI [Part 3]

I thought I'd spend a little more time on this integration, using the laptop whilst watching the Olympics. The next phase was to automate the routines for NPC update and compacting the code routines. Ultimately, the idea is that after the scene is loaded, it will be parsed and flagged Dark AI objects, NPC's, Paths and Zones will be set up automatically via information taken from the relative lua scripts. Paths and Zones will be later, collision objects are done, so I was working on how to go about NPC's using this method. As some may have noticed I am using the FPSC Model Pack 53 characters. I converted about 5 or 6 characters to Leadwerks...

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